Part 167: A Wizard, a True Star
MUSIC: Becoming Friends
Sorry, but I'm out of magic powder right now. Instead, l'll hit you with a magic hammer.
Hmm...yes, this will do. Now my MP can recover.
Well, it's still not enough to power a big spell...
Nyeeeh...? No, I'm not listening...
You answered me, so you must be listening already.
Hey, if you keep being this lazy, you'll miss out on all the fun stuff in life.
I don't need fun stuff... I just want to not do anything my whole life.
but at least try to hide your laziness in public.
Nyeeeh... That's a pain...
let's read a book in the library!
Oh! She sounds interested!
Going down stairs is a pain... Bring the books to me.
B-But I don't know what kind of books you like, so let's go together.
Any book is fine... Reading's a pain, so I'm just gonna eat them.
What are you, a goat!?
let's go for a walk!
Taking a walk is the biggest pain in the world... Just...walking around for no reason...
That's the fun part, though. You can find meaning in pointless things.
I'm a mage, not a philosopher, so leave me alone...
Geez, it's not like I'm gonna force you to think!
Let's play a game in the Game Room!
Nyeh? A game...?
Yeah! I think I saw a billiard table in there, so let's try that.
I've never done that...
It's okay, don't worry! I'll teach you the rules!
Memorizing rules is a pain...
Geez, she would say that.
*sigh* How have you lived your life up till now?
With magic, of course. All problems can be solved with magic.
Then, can you use your magic to get us out of here?
What does the tide have to do with magic?
*knock, knock*
......I'm tired...from talking to Tenko...
Hmm...yes, this will do. Now my MP can recover.
Well, it's still not enough to power a big spell...
You're the same as ever, Himiko.
This is normal for me... If you don't like it, talk to someone else...
It's not that I don't like it. It's just...I'm worried about your well-being...
Hm? Mmm... I just worry about you for some reason...
For some reason...? Are you...playing for the other team?
The other team? What do you mean by that?
Huh? Now, I wanna know.
Don't worry about it. Explaining is a pain...
...I think I've heard you say the word "pain" enough times to last me a lifetime.
So if you're not playing for that team...
Huh? Easy target? I don't get that either.
Popular girls like you...
No, never mind... If you don't get's fine...
Again? Fine...if you don't wanna talk about it, then you don't have to.
I'm not a magician. I'm the
Ultimate Mage.
Oh, sorry! Yeah, that.
.png) magic has brought smiles to many children, y'know?
Huh? Are you...a mage, too?
No, not that... You talked about putting smiles on people's faces, right? I feel the same way. Seeing smiles on everyone's faces after my performances was so much fun.
Yes... When I see children smiling because of my makes me happy. It's fun.
We're alike.
We're not alike at all...
Our idea of happiness and enjoyment is the our talents fit that role. Aside from our personality, I think we're more similar than you think.
Himiko shook her head, but I could see the truth on her face, clear as day. We're probably alike.
In the same way I wanna escape this place so I can make people smile...
Uh, I wanna perform your *magic* and make those kids smile, right?
AUDIO: Himiko Free Time #1
Right? Then, let's work together to escape from this place!
That sounds like a pain, so I'll leave that to you.
Seriously... Himiko sure likes to go at her own pace.
But I feel like we became a lot closer... We know more about each other now.
*knock, knock*
I think that
Flashback Light was a bad influence on my magic...
Perfect timing. I'll siphon off some of your life force to replenish my magic. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm not a dark mage, after all.
What chucklefuck decided that love spells aren't dangerous!?
You must have used a "Find Himiko A Good Gift" spell. Hm, well done. I don't mind you giving me more stuff from now on.
If you don't want to talk to could have turned me down.
I'm too lazy to say no.
Ah...I see.
But...that is strange...
Hey, Himiko? Why did you decide to be a magician?
I'm a mage and I use real magic. Don't get it wrong.
Magic tricks, right?
It's magic.
You say that, but there's no way magic is real...
It's magic!
I'm telling you...
It's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic!
...I'm sorry. You're right, it's magic.
Hmph, it's magic.
Real magic, sure.
I feel like this conversation will go nowhere if I disagree...
No, it's magic. How many times do I have to tell y
It's magic...
Yes, that's right, I just said it was magic...
Yeah, you're right! It's magic, it's magic! Hmph!
She looks really happy...
Then show me some real magic, right now.
Nyeeeh... Well...that's... T-There's no mana here, so I can't. If you sacrificed yourself I could...
...I'd rather not be sacrificed, so I'll decline.
Oh, that's too bad. I guess you're just not passionate enough about magic.
Not passionate enough to sacrifice myself, maybe...
Why are you asking about that?
Well, because...
Isn't it strange that such a lazy girl would go through so much work for a magic trick?
It seems like magic requires a ton of work to prepare, so...
I-I see...
I'm talented. Not relying on my talent would go against my master's teachings.
Master? You have a master, Himiko?
Nyeh...? Did I not tell you?
Hm, that's right. My master was an amazing archmage...
I wonder what kind of person Himiko's master is...
Hm, that's a good idea. It'll make Atua happy, too...
Well, if you think about it...your talent is useless outside of the killing game. So the student council is making you useless. You must be filled with regret...
Oooh...this is it. The item I needed.
Not bad. Please bring me more stuff to increase my magic stat.
She looks really bothered by something.
Um, Himiko? There's something I wanted to ask you.
Nyeeeh? My magic's a trade secret.
Ah, sorry, a "mage." You said you had a master, did he inspire you?
Hm, when I saw my master use his magic, I awakened as a mage.
...Um, just making sure, but...
Huh? My master is known around the world as a legendary mage.
I see...
Himiko insisting she's a "mage" is probably her master's influence.
Dang, she and Tenko had more in common than I thought.
The magic he performed was miraculous... Seeing it triggered the magic powers sleeping within me to awaken. But I didn't yet have the skill to control such powerful magic...
I-I see...
Fortunately, it only took a few years of training to become a full-fledged mage. Master let me help in his show as an assistant while I trained. My master taught me the fundamentals of magic. Because he trained me...
She's actually the Ultimate Magician, but I probably shouldn't bring that up.
My master learned his magic by studying around the world, you know? Extreme Wind Magic, "
Levitation"... Extreme Space Magic, "
"Extreme Meat Magic"...doesn't sound...very magical...
My master made them all look simple, but...they were hard for me to grasp.
Ah, I see...
Nyeeeh, so in return, this
Ultimate Mage will answer any question for you.
It's not real magic, it's just tricks,
Go on...ask your question.
...It's not real magic, it's just tricks, right?
It's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's...
magic it's magic it's magic its magic it's magic it's magic it's magic iiit's maaagic!!!
...I'm sorry. You're right, it's magic.
Hmph, it's magic.
When people get sawed in half, how do you put them back together?
.png)'s...with magic, you know? Like, you activate the cells and... WWell something like that. You probably wouldn't get it...
Don't think, feel.
Is that right...?
What happens if a fly touches you during teleportation...?
Hm... Then you'd be face to face with danger...
But these days, spells are warded against interference from files.
Good idea.
Even the Sawing Spell. It's great for when you want to make flies go away.
I don't think you should be cutting up a body just to keep away flies...
Hm? Is something wrong? Himiko's mood changed...
Well, maybe... He worried...
Ah, okay. See you later then...
Himiko was acting strange for a minute there. I wonder what's wrong...
It doesn't even have to be good tuna! I'm fine with some dolphin mixed in!
Then let's go look for some cans of tuna in the dining hall! I'll give you hints with my magic!
We ended up talking and eating fish chips we found in the warehouse.
Oooh...this is it. The item I needed.
Not bad. Please bring me more stuff to increase my magic stat.
I feel as though I'm getting used to this...
Breathing makes me too tired...
It's fine...I'll just suck in oxygen with my magic...
That's impossible! I have to think of something that will perk her up, quick!
H-Hey, Himiko! Can you continue the story you were telling before?
The story from before? What was it again...?
Nyeh? What's the point of telling you?
Point? No, that's not...
Well I guess you can't help it. A mystical mage is right in front of you.
And I'll teach you just how many hardships I had to go through...
Himiko closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. Then, she slowly began speaking.
As I traveled the world with my master, I realized something odd...
I thought...there's no way they'd be cheering for me over my master.
No way?
Of course not. My master is a great mage that exceeds even me.
What do you mean?
We were sent letters and gifts from fans all the time, but...
They were all addressed to me.
They were make a trap like that. I didn't want their praise.
A trap?
Someone trying to take mymaster's title of archmage did something so sneaky...
No, I don't think it's something nefarious like that... Nothing that complicated. Perhaps it was around that time that the apprentice succeeded her master... Himiko is the Ultimate Magician, after all.
It worked?
My caught in the trap. The curse in the letters affected him and slowly drained him of his powers... People started to notice me more... I was invited to magic shows...
Himiko stared at her feet, shoulders shaking. I couldn't tell if she was angry or sad...
Everyone's stupid! My master's the best mage! That's why Ihis pupilbecame such a great mage.
My voice sounded so unlike me, unusually sympathetic and consoling. Himiko must have known... She had outgrown her master.
The story ends here.
I'm tired of talking. I'm closed for today...
Do you know what it is?
Why's my lab on the first floor!? Height is power, y'know? My lab is the one that should be on the top floor!
Oooh...this is it. The item I needed.
It is? How?
Level Seven posted:
Maybe to feed any birds hidden in her robes she magically conjures up?
mycelia posted:
The birdseed is for her magic doves! 
Ah, of course. That's the kind of lateral thinking that separates the good gift-givers from those who need to look it up online.
Not bad. Please bring me more stuff to increase my magic stat.
Where's this apology coming from?
Before, I thought it was a pain to tell you about magic, but...
So I'm gonna tell you about magic without saying it's a pain.
I-I see...
What is this? She's different than usual.
Ah, right, of course. I'd like to hear it, if that's okay?
Perhaps there's no real point to this story at all.
Nyeh...I'm pleased to see you show so much interest in mages.
Himiko looked happy, but her expression quickly faded...
The person after his title got just what he wanted.
What? What do you mean?
One master was about to start one of his shows... Way in the back of the audience, my master's enemy was working his scheme.
Mortal enemy...?
This is starting to sound like a manga...
This anti-mage...took away my master's magic and made him fail.
My golden age master wouldn't lose to an anti-mage!
But the audience turned against my master... So I tried to wake them up. On behalf of my master, I destroyed the anti-mage.
So Himiko tried to fix her master's mistakes, but that means...
Yes, I told them off. The show ended without any more problems. But...
When I went back to the green room, my master was gone... I haven't seen him since then...
He was probably embarrassed to have Himiko fix his mistakes.
Himiko...none of that is your fault.
There's no need to apologize. I know what my master must've been thinking.
He probably didn't want to get me involved in a mage power struggle... That's right... That musta been it.
I watched Himiko walk away, her head hung low, and I returned to my room...
What is up with this ellipsis?
I'm not trembling! I'm charging my magic! It's like...trembling with excitement!
You must have used a "Find Himiko A Good Gift" Spell. Hm, well done. I don't mind you giving me more stuff from now on.
Wh-What? D-Don't tell me you fell for me!?
.png) master?
Yes. I was thinking about your story... Perhaps your master is training in secret, so that he can perform with you again.
Maybe just hoping...
Yes, I'm sure of it.
How can you be so sure?
Do detectives have magic to read people's souls?
Himiko's expression brightened, just a little bit.
Haha, I wonder! Don't worry, I'll refrain from using that magic.
Nyeh, you're right... I don't need it either.
...I'm sorry I said that. I wasn't thinking.
If you're gonna apologize for it, then it'd be better if you just never said it...
I thought I was...butting in on something private.
You're worried about that now? Outside of a crisis, you're kinda dumb.
That's what I think.
Why did you say it like that? I mean, I guess it sounds detective-y...
I guess...l could have worded it a little better.
Well whatever... I don't care if you make assumptions.
I can't even find my master using my magic. That's probably because he doesn't want me to find him. Like you said...maybe there's a reason. Maybe he's training in secret... I thought of that, too.
Your master is polishing up his magic too, Himiko. To perform with you again. That's need to continue working hard as a magician. Magic tricks are what connect you to your master.
That must be why she's never too lazy to do magic.
...You're wrong.
It's not magic tricks, it's real magic!
That's right. Geez, when will you get it?
Well, anyway, we have to get out of here soon! So you can perform together!
AUDIO: Himiko Free Time #2
Hm, you're right... I'm gonna be more positive and work harder. I'll support you with my magic. You can rely on me, okay?
Himiko and I are both focused on the same goal. Getting out of here. It's because of our bond that we can stand together like this... If I put my trust in this bond, I know we can overcome anything!
You've learned a new skill,
I guess if you're really bad at deductive reasoning this might come in handy. There were a few spots in my first playthrough when I could have used this, but that was a long time ago.
Himiko's Undergarments posted:
Himiko's favorite panties. She wears pumpkin panties out of respect for a certain magical girl.